Items | Registration Fee |
Author (Regular) | 2400 RMB/400 USD |
Author (Students, Committees) | 2400 RMB/400 USD |
Additional Page | 300 RMB/40 USD/One Page |
Presenter Only | 1200 RMB/200 USD |
Listener | 1200 RMB/150 USD |
Details of the registration fees
1. Registration fees for MLSH 2024 Regular is 2400 RMB/400 USD per paper.
2. If the length of the paper exceeds 6 Pages, the cost of Each Extra Page (begin at Page 7) is USD40 / 300RMB.
3. The registration fee does not include:
• Accommodation
• Visa application fee
• Transportation fee
4. At least one author for each accepted final paper must pre-register.
5. Completed registrations will be acknowledged by the Organizing Committee within 2-5 workdays after receiving your payment.
6. At least 20% of the registration fee will be charged as the service fee if you retract your paper for personal reasons.
Details of the attending registration
As Author, you can publish the manuscript and deliver a paper presentation on MLSH 2023, orally or poster presentation. You must submit a Full-length Manuscript for review before the submission deadline.
Conference package (all conference tracks, morning, and afternoon tea, lunch, and dinner); Conference materials; 15 Minutes presentation time; Paper be published into the conference proceedings
作者身份参会: 审稿后文章被MLSH 2023录用,作者可凭稿件编号免费参会,口头报告和海报报告展示均可接受。请投稿全文。
As a Presenter, you can deliver a presentation on BDIA 2023, but the presented manuscript WILL NOT be published. The abstract is necessary to submit.
Conference package (all conference tracks, morning, and afternoon tea, lunch, and dinner); Conference materials; 15 Minutes presentation time;
报告者身份参会: 在MLSH 2023会议上进行口头报告或海报展示,口头报告摘要不出版。
As Listener, you can participate and attend all the presentation sessions only, neither making presentations nor having papers published.
Conference package (all conference tracks, morning, and afternoon tea, lunch, and dinner); Conference materials;
听众身份参会: 出席并参加MLSH 2023, 并可全程旁听会议所有展示报告。
As a Poster, you can participate and attend all the presentation sessions, and present your poster on MLSH 2023
海报展示,参加会议并在MLSH 2023会议上展示你的论文海报。